About Us

We are a brother and sister team passionate about the wellbeing of others. We know how important it is to look after your wellbeing and between us Nic and I have varied professional experiences to provide you with the right support. We look forward to working with you.

Kat Tuck

I'm excited to be able to offer this tailored approach to wellbeing with my brother and combine our varied professional experiences to support others. In working for many years in leadership in child protection I have supported clients suffering trauma, mental health, domestic violence and suicidal ideation. I have had the privilege of providing supervision to staff supporting them with the challenges and complexities that modern life can throw at us. Together my study and personal experiences has further shaped my passion in the wellbeing of others. I understand the importance of truly being listened to and heard.
I strive for the elusive balance in life and know the importance of looking after yourself. Life can be overwhelming at times but when you have the right support you don't feel so alone.

  • Working 10 years+ in child protection
  • Specialist support for Domestic Violence
  • Provide Clinicial Supervision
  • BA Behavioural Science(Hons)
  • Diploma of Counselling

Nic Betts

Hi, some of my greatest passions in life are connecting with people, service to others, psychology, striving to discover more about myself and what I’m capable of, self-care, health and fitness. When Kat and I began talking about launching this brand I knew instantly it would be something I would be deeply invested in, as it combines everything that is most fulfilling to me. That being providing a practical and personal wellbeing service to you, to guide you and empower you towards truly discovering the hero version of yourself. Who is this version you might ask? I discovered the meaning of this through a lot of reading, studying, working with self-development and high-performance coaches, psychological strategies and practical habits that revealed the path to me in who you can truly become with the right guidance, support and application. It is the version of ourselves, that we truly aspire to be. Through years of practical experience and study, I have seen and felt the impact of intentional self-growth, through psychology, visualisation, challenging myself, meditation, self-care and exercise. I am passionate about immersing this knowledge and my commitment into your journey, and celebrating with you every step of the way, as we discover the path towards your greatest potential.

  • SAPOL 3yrs- Police Academy Training, 2 yrs serving as a Police Officer
  • Currently studying Post Graduate Diploma in Psychology, Adelaide University
  • Youth Mentor with AnglicareSA and volunteer crisis response Youth Team with Mission Australia
  • Training in Martial Arts for 14 years
  • 3 years + CrossFit Coach (individual clients and group classes), competed in CrossFit competitions
  • BA Sport, Health and Physical Activity